HHSC: Medical Care Advisory Committee
The Medical Care Advisory Committee is a federally mandated committee that reviews and makes recommendations to the state Medicaid director on proposed rules that involve Medicaid policy or affect Medicaid-funded programs. Membership includes:
Welcome, introductions, and opening remarks. The meeting was convened by Colleen Horton, Chair.
Approval of August 15, 2019, meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as written.
Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program activities. Stephanie Muth, HHSC Medicaid Director. The HHS business plan was presented in an overview to the Committee. The Blueprint for a Healthy Texas was released on October 16th as HHS’s inaugural Business Plan, and outlines 12 priority initiatives, with 72 goals, and 337 deliverables that detail improvements in benefits and services delivery, and ensuring responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Each initiative ties to HHS commitments:
Efficiency, effectiveness and process improvement