HHSC: Medical Care Advisory Committee
The Medical Care Advisory Committee is a federally mandated committee that reviews and makes recommendations to the state Medicaid director on proposed rules that involve Medicaid policy or affect Medicaid-funded programs.
Opening Comments. The Chair, Colleen Horton, convened the meeting. A quorum was not present, so votes could not be taken on any agenda items.
Medicaid Director’s update; Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program activities. HHSC stated that they have been meeting with legislative members about their Exceptional Item request. Ms. Stephens outlined their legislative items:
Intensive Behavioral Health Interventions through Medicaid to children with Autism;
Several items to serve people with IDD in the community;
Increase attendant wages by 50 cents per hour;
Compliance with federal regulations related to HCS creating a new service called “individualized skills and socialization”; and
Increasing the budget for denta