HHSC: Hospital Payment Advisory Committee

The Hospital Payment Advisory Committee met, in an informational session, to receive an update on the 1115 demonstration waiver. [HPAC is] a sub-committee of the Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC), advises MCAC and HHS about hospital reimbursement methodologies for inpatient hospital prospective payment and on adjustments for disproportionate share hospitals.
Diana Strupp, Hospital Payment Advisory Committee Chair convened the meeting. The minutes from the meeting on November 9, 2017, were approved as written.[1]
Diana J. Strupp, HPAC Chair
Tenet Health Systems - Dallas
Steven Hand, HPAC Vice Chair
System Executive, Government Reporting
Memorial Hermann Health System - Houston
Rebecca McCain, MHA - Electra
Electra Hospital District
William R. Bedwell - San Antonio
University Health System
Philip A. Caron, – Jacksonville
East Texas Medical Center
Stephen W. Kimmel, CFO - Fort Worth