HHSC: Healthy Texas Women Plus Webinar

The Healthy Texas Women (HTW) program is dedicated to offering women’s health and family planning services at no cost to eligible women in Texas. HTW:
Improves access to comprehensive care for eligible women
Expands services and eligibility so that more women qualify to receive services
Improves connection and coordination with other healthcare programs to deliver more robust, comprehensive, and continual women’s health services
See attached for the Healthy Texas Women Flyer.
Women may be eligible for HTW if they:
Are age 15 to 44.
Women age 15 to 17 must have parental or legal guardian consent.
Are U.S. citizens or eligible immigrants.
Have an income at or below 200% Federal Poverty Level.
Live in Texas.
Do not have health insurance.
Are not pregnant.
Women who have received a vasectomy are still eligible for HTW. Women must not have another insurance plan in order to qualify. A woman who has health insurance offered at the