HHSC Executive Council

1. Welcome and opening remarks
Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chief Program and Services Officer, Michelle Alletto
Roll call. A quorum was present.
Explanation of proceedings using Microsoft Teams meeting. Staff explained the operation of the Teams platform.
Executive commissioner’s welcome and remarks.
Several projects are underway for expansion of state hospitals.
Anti Fentanyl Campaign is operational and reaching millions of Texans
There have been changes in leadership. Executive Teams and Organizational Charts | Texas Health and Human Services
Department of State Health Services (DSHS) commissioner’s remarks.
LAR has been submitted requesting IT infrastructure and increases in other programs.
Preparing for Cold and Flu. COVID, and RSV. There is a dashboard available to the public
There is surveillance of other diseases as well : Marberg Virus Marburg virus disease; M-POX (Mpox in the United States and Around the World: Curr