HHSC: e-Health Advisory Committee

e-Health Advisory Committee advises the HHS executive commissioner and HHS agencies on strategic planning, policy, rules and services related to the use of health information technology, health information exchange systems, telemedicine, telehealth and home telemonitoring services. The e-Health Advisory Committee was established in July 2016 to advise the Texas Health and Human Services executive commissioner and HHS agencies on strategic planning, policy, rules and services related to the use of health information technology, health information exchange systems, telemedicine, telehealth and home telemonitoring services. The tasks of the eHAC include:
Advising on the development, implementation and long-range plans for health care information technology and Health Information Exchange (HIE), including the use of:
Electronic health records,
Computerized clinical support systems,
HIE systems for the exchange of clinical and other forms of health information, and