HHSC: Council on Consumer Direction
Meeting Summary. The purpose of the Council on Consumer Direction is to advise HHSC on the development, implementation, expansion, and delivery of services through consumer direction, in all programs offering long-term services and supports that enhance a consumer's ability to have freedom and exercise control and authority over the consumer's choices, regardless of age or disability. Visit the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) homepage for more information about the CDS option. The adopted rules that outline the Council's statute authority, purpose, tasks, reporting requirements and membership are located at the Texas Register's website (link is external).
Mika Renae Bradford, Chair convened the meeting. A quorum was not established.
Review and approve minutes from February 27, 2018, meeting. The minutes were not able to be approved due to the absence of a quorum. The item was later revisited, and after a quorum was established, the minutes were approved as w