Health and Human Services (HHS) Strategic Plan for 2023–2027

1. Welcome. John Chacon, HHSC convened the meeting, laying out the rules for public participation.
2. Overview of the planning process. To ensure a coordinated approach to planning and delivering health and human services, the Texas Government Code Section 531.022 requires the Executive Commissioner of HHSC to submit a strategic plan for the Health and Human Services (HHS) system. Since 2004, the HHS system Coordinated Strategic Plan has been combined into one volume that contains the agency strategic plans for HHSC and the other agencies that comprise the HHS system
Every two years, the Texas Health and Human Services system updates its Strategic Plans, which describe its work to address multifaceted and evolving factors affecting health and human services. Each of the system's divisions contributes to the development of the Strategic Plans.
The Plans define the system's mission, goals, objectives and action items to address specific issues over a five-year period. Previou