Health and Human Services Executive Council

1. Welcome and opening remarks
The meeting was convened by Jordon Dixon on behalf of the Commissioner. HHSC has been actively engaged in the unwinding of continuous Medicaid coverage requiring six million Medicaid clients to have eligibility redeterminations.
There are some staffing changes with Stephanie Stevens stepping down as Medicaid Director and will be replaced by Emily Zalkovsky. Roland Niles is the new Deputy for System Support Services.
Inspector General’s quarterly report. Most recent quarterly report: quarterly_report_quarter_2_fy2023.pdf ( . The new report will be published at the end of June. Preliminary data:
$175 million recovered this quarter
$36 million cost avoidance
560 referrals were received
440 investigations related to exploitation and other special investigations
Mental Health Private Psychiatric Bed Funds: PermiaCare
Executive Summary
The inspection was to determine whether PermiaCare used mental health private psychi