Health and Human Services Executive Council

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1. Welcome and Opening Remarks Call to order==The executive Commissioner convened the meeting CMS has ended its objection to the 1115 waiver extension Directed Payment Programs have been approved LAR is under development and is awaiting direction for the development of the LAR There is a substantial Medicaid Short Fall that will have to be addressed/ Budget Update. Trey Wood commented 2022-30 information letter (IL2021-14 IL TxHmL Slot Releases ( . The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is implementing the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Provider Retention payments, a part of the HHSC ARPA HCBS Spending Plan. To implement the ARPA HCBS Provider Retention Payments, HHSC is providing funds through a temporary add-on to agency providers and consumer-directed services employers to support recruitment and retention efforts for direct care staff delivering HCBS services. Eligible providers can use the tempo

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