HB1 Conference Summary: Department of State Health Services

The Conference Committee for HB1 released their decisions for the Department of State Health Services. The issues decided by the Conference Committee are presented below.
Technical Adjustments and Cross Strategy Issues. The Conference Committee agreed to the House proposal to reallocate $918,000 in House Rider 2, Capital Budget, from Upgrade Laboratory Information Management Software to Miscellaneous Lab Equipment. They did not, however, agree to increasing the FTE cap by 6.0 FTEs, in House, for vital records events (Strategy A.1.2, Vital Statistics).
The Committee adopted a compromise of $1,126,575 in General Revenue to provide 45 percent of agency request for public health nurses and $6,586,184 in General Revenue for TB Prevention Activities related to an operational shortfall at TCID.
The number of Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) was established by the Committee at 3,249.7. The House had provided 3,270.7 while the Senate had provided 3,243.7.
There were no appropriations th