Drug Utilization Review Board
Call to order: A quorum is present. Mark Lacy is a new member.
Approval of minutes from January 25, 2019 (vote required): minutes approved.
New Business.
Public comment on drug classes to be reviewed for the Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL):
Anti-Allergens, oral: Oralair is now approved for those five to nine years of age.
Antibiotics, inhaled: Representative presented on Arikace, the first and only approved drug for those with MAC lung disease which is a rare disease. Described the mechanism of the drug and its FDA approval and clinical results. Q: What is the number of patients in Texas requiring this therapy in a year? A: There is no such data at the state level. This is largely a geriatric problem. It is not a huge number and some patients decide not to treat because it is a difficult regimen. It is not a reportable disease.
Anticoagulants: Xarelto (Jansen) has recently been approved for reduction of major cardiac events. Pradaxa is unique in that it inhibits thro