DFPS Legislative Appropriations Request
The Department of Family and Protective Services' (DFPS) mission is “promote safe and healthy families and protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.” More than 12,500 DFPS employees are committed to protecting children, adults who have disabilities and adults who are 65 years old or older from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Within DFPS, the following program areas carry out the work of the agency:
Statewide Intake (SWI) operates twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week, as the centralized point of intake for reporting suspected incidents of abuse, neglect, and exploitation and child care licensing standards violations.
Child Protective Services’ (CPS) core function is to protect children by investigating reports of abuse and neglect, working with families to prevent abuse and neglect, and placing children in substitute care when they are not safe in their own homes.
Adult Protective Services (APS) is charged with protecting adult