Chronic Kidney Disease Taskforce

House Bill 1225 (also known as the Glenda Dawson Act), 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, created Health and Safety Code, Chapter 83, reestablishing the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force. The Task Force is composed of 24 members, 20 appointed by the Governor, two members of the senate appointed by the lieutenant governor, and two members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. The Task Force reorganized its committee into workgroups in July 2020 to ensure efficiency regarding the review and analysis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the state of Texas and appointed five workgroups: Education & Prevention, Legislative Issues, Treatment, Early Detection and Comorbidities, and Living Donation Transplantation. The workgroups assembled leading Texas nephrologists, nurses, dietitians, educators, and other CKD experts to review the minimum practice standards data from state agency programs, health systems, and special studies that c