Category Regulatory 492 articles to read

HHSC: Healthy Texas Women Plus Webinar

The Healthy Texas Women (HTW) program is dedicated to offering women’s health and family planning services at no cost to eligible women in Texas. HTW:

  • Improves access to comprehensive care for eligible women
  • Expands services and eligibility so that more women qualify to receive services
  • Improves connection and coordination with other healthcare programs to deliver more robust, comprehensive, and continual women’s health services

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HHSC: Drug Utilization Review Board (Day 1)

Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Hogue, Chair. Announcement: October DURB two-day meeting process. This is a two-day meeting. Tomorrow will follow the regular process.…
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HHSC: Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response

The Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response provides expert, evidence-based assessments, protocols, and recommendations related to state responses to infectious diseases and serves as a reliable and transparent source…
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HHSC: Texas HIV Medication Advisory Committee

The Texas HIV Medication Advisory Committee advises in the development of procedures and guidelines for the Texas HIV Medication Program, reviews program’s goals and aims, evaluates ongoing efforts, and recommends short-range…
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HHSC: Behavioral Health Advisory Committee

The Behavioral Health Advisory Committee provides customer/consumer and stakeholder input by making recommendations regarding the allocation and adequacy of behavioral health services and programs within the state of Texas. The Health and Human Services Commission established the Behavioral Health Advisory Committee as the state mental health planning council in accordance with the state's obligations under 42 U.S.C. §300x-3. The purpose of the committee is to provide customer/consumer and stakeholder input to the Health and Human Services system in the form of recommendations regarding the allocation and adequacy of behavioral health services and programs within the State of Texas. The BHAC considers and makes recommendations to the HHS Executive Commissioner consistent with the committee’s purpose.
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HHSC: Behavioral Health Advisory Committee & Statewide Behavioral Health Coordinating Council Joint Meeting (BHAC SBHCC)

Background and Role of Advisory Committees. Behavioral Health Advisory Committee. The Health and Human Services Commission established the Behavioral Health Advisory Committee as the state mental health planning council in accordance with the state's obligations under 42 U.S.C. §300x-3. The purpose of the committee is to provide customer/consumer and stakeholder input to the Health and Human Services system in the form of recommendations regarding the allocation and adequacy of behavioral health services and programs within the State of Texas. The BHAC considers and makes recommendations to the HHS Executive Commissioner consistent with the committee’s purpose.
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