Category Budget 118 articles to read

Senate Finance Committee: Organizational Meeting, LBB and Comptroller Reports

The Senate Finance Committee held an organizational hearing. No public testimony was taken. Committee Chair Nelson convened the meeting, laying out the COVID-19 rules and stating that the Committee would meet Monday through Thursday with Friday being an overflow day. Senate Rules would have to be changed to allow for remote testimony.
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Special Report: Department of Family and Protective Services 87th Legislature Appropriation | House and Senate Side-by-Side

The House and Senate have introduced each chamber’s version of the appropriations bill. While the differences between the two bills are not as great as in years past, there are some differences highlighted in the comparison document below. Following the appropriations comparison table is the summary exceptional item table for the Department of Family and Protective Services. There are five exceptional items in all. Following the table is a description of each exceptional item.
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Special Report: Health and Human services Commission 87th Legislature Appropriations | House and Senate Side-by-Side

The House and Senate have introduced each chamber’s version of the appropriations bill. While the differences between the two bills are not as great as in years past, there are some differences highlighted in the comparison document below. Following the appropriation comparison table is the summary Exceptional Item table for the Commission. There are 22 exceptional items in all.
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Special Report: Department of State Health Services 87th Legislature Appropriation | House and Senate Side-by-Side

The House and Senate have introduced each chamber’s version of the appropriations bill. While the differences between the two bills are not as great as in years past, there are some differences highlighted in this report. Following the appropriations comparison table is the summary exceptional item table for the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). There are four exceptional items in all. Following the table is a description of each exceptional item.
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Special Report: House and Senate High-Level Budget Comparisons as Introduced, 87th Legislature— Department of Family and Protective Services and Department of State Health Services

This summary provides an overview of the appropriations included in the House and Senate General Appropriations Bills, focusing on the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Read Texas Insight’s previous report on the Health and Human Services Commission.
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HB1 Conference Summary: Health and Human Services Commission

 The Conference Committee on HB1 released the following decisions. Technical Adjustments and Cross Strategy Issues. The Conference Committee made the following technical adjustments to HB1: Adopting House Rider 2, Capital…
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