Appropriation Side by Side: House/Senate Items of Appropriation Adjusted for the House Committee Substitute

All Funds for the health and human services agencies total $101.4 billion, a decrease of $7.6 billion from the 2022–23 biennium. General Revenue Funds and General Revenue–Dedicated Funds total $44.0 billion, an increase of $6.0 billion from the 2022–23 biennium. Appropriations for health and human services encompass several programs, but the biennial All Funds decrease primarily results from the following areas:
a decrease of $6.0 billion in All Funds associated with Medicaid client services, which is off set partially by a $1.0 billion increase for Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) client services, primarily due to shifts in caseloads associated with the assumed end of continued eligibility, which was required for states to receive the 6.2 percentage-point increase in the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) and related matches pursuant to the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA); and
a decrease of $5.5 billion in Federal Funds a