SB5 & HB5 Relating to the Creation of the Dementia Prevention and Research Institute of Texas

Senate Bill 5 by Huffman Relating to the creation of the Dementia Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.
The Committee Substitute was reported favorably and placed on the Senate Intent Calendar. The enabling Resolution, SJR 3 also passed favorably and was placed on the intent calendar.
S.B. 5 (89(R) SB 5 - Senate Committee Report version - Bill Text) establishes the Dementia Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (DPRIT). The DPRIT is designed to accelerate research into dementia and related disorders to enhance the potential for medical or scientific breakthroughs, improve the health of Texas residents, and establish Texas as a leader in this field. It is contingent on voter approval of a constitutional amendment that would establish DPRIT and transfer $3 billion to the Dementia Prevention & Research Fund from state general revenue to provide funding over the next 10 years.
Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Dementia Prevention and Research Instit