Texas Diabetes Council
Texas Diabetes Council addresses issues affecting people with diabetes in Texas and advises the Texas Legislature on legislation that is needed to develop and maintain a statewide system of quality education services for all people with diabetes and health care professionals.
1. Welcome, logistical announcement, and roll call The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Feyi Obamehinti, EdD. A quorum was not immediately present.
2. Consideration of April 14, 2022, draft meeting minutes.
3. Type 1 Diabetes & Mental Health Stephanie Rodenberg-Lewis, LPC, RPT, CSC, NCC Collective Hope Counseling, PLLC
Risk Factors Associated with Chronic Illness and Mental Health
Individuals with chronic illness are at an increased risk for depression and anxiety.
Chronic illness can affect cognitive, physical, social and emotional development.
Chronic illness and mental health disorders often share symptoms so diagnosis can be more challenging.
Many health care pro