Early Childhood Intervention Advisory Committee

Early Childhood Intervention Advisory Committee advises the HHSC Division for Early Childhood Intervention Services on development and implementation of policies that constitute the statewide ECI system. The published member list did not appear accurate and as such is not included in this report.
1. Call to order, logistical announcements, and roll call. The meeting was convened by the Chair, Dr. Sanchez. A quorum was established late in the meeting.
2. Consideration of April 26, 2023, draft meeting minutes. The minutes could not be approved due to the absence of a quorum. Following the establishment of a quorum, the minutes were approved with minor edit.
3. ECI program ECI Agenda - item 3 (texas.gov)
a. Quarterly data
b. Training and outreach
Early Childhood Intervention and Child Protective Services (CPS) Collaboration training presentation on July 12, 2023, to both ECI and CPS staff.
ECI Library Matters is a monthly newsletter that highlights library