HHSC: IDD SRAC System Adequacy (SA) Subcommittee

1. Welcome, call to order, and roll call. The meeting was convened by Carol Smith.
2. Consideration of March 2, 2022, IDD SRAC SA Subcommittee draft meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as drafted.
3. Senate Bill 50, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021) update (Tabled)
4. IDD SRAC SA recommendations for 2022 Legislative annual report
The System Adequacy Subcommittee recommends improving access to services for persons with IDD by
1. Expanding initial access to IDD Medicaid Waivers, and
2. Improving access to services through system reform
Background: Initial Access to IDD Medicaid Waivers
In order to prevent unnecessary institutionalization, individuals with IDD need timely access to waivers for interest lists and Promoting Independence. In addition, Medicaid beneficiaries eligible for Community First Choice (CFC) need education and information about CFC to enhance integration into the community, maintain or improve independent functioning and quality